Friday, October 8, 2010


Friendship has long been a cornerstone upon which Volksmarching is built. This proved to be true once again when Mary Allen Clark of the Olympic Peninsula Explorers and Kay Messing of the Kitsap Volksporters discovered a common bond from nearly fifty years ago.

Imagine their suprise at the end of the day during a great walk, the two them found the beginning of an amazing friendship. As a conversation began, hearing a familiar accent, Mary Allen asked the origin of Kay's accent. It didn't take long to discover that both attended Madison College (now James Madison University) in Virginia. They also lived in the same dorm (Gifford) for three years at the same time. Although they knew many of the same people, they did not meet each other until the last miles of that Kitsap walk!

Since the fatefull meeting, the pair have walked together frequently as far away as Alabama and Florida. They wonder if there are other alums of Madison College (JMU) who are Volkssporters? Perhaps a chance meeting on the trail will bring new friendships as we discover common bonds. Should you find your travels bringing you to the Northwest, Mary Allen and Kay would be delighted to join you as you explore our trails and pathways.


Mary Allen

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