Wednesday, July 21, 2010


OPE members gathered in the morning fog in Port Angeles to greet 23 Canadian walkers arriving on the ferry from Victoria. As we arranged transport with walk leaders/guests,many First Nations/Native American canoes were being brought ashore to be trailered to their next destiniation.....the fog being the problem.

The 21K group left from Port Angeles walking along the Discovery Trail with George and Frances leading.

Sue and Marty lead the 10K walk which began at Robin Hill Park ending in Sequim at Janet and Richard's..

Jean Tyson lead the 12K group - our John Wayne Marina Walk but starting from Janet and Richard's.

Many thanks to Janet and Richard for hosting our lunch gathering.What a beautiful setting for lunch and visiting.. Following lunch walkers visited the Lavender Festival activities/farms and the Quilt Show. The morning fog gave us great walking weather then sun appeared in the afternoon bringing warmer temperatures. All returned in a timely manner after a day of fun, friendship and fitness!
NOTE: Requests have been made for Billie to post her recipe for that appetizer. Janet - your delicious Rhubarb Crumble!!!!


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